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school attendance中文是什么意思

用"school attendance"造句"school attendance"怎么读"school attendance" in a sentence


  • 就读
  • 就学
  • 上学


  • Low fertility and space of school attendance for mobile juvenile students in city
  • Some excuses received by high school attendance offices in notes from parents
  • School attendance committee
  • Among persons aged 6 - 16 , school attendance was almost universal in 2006
  • Evidence of the child s completion of form iii or a valid school attendance certificate ( or copy ) ; and
    儿童修毕中三课程的证明文件或有效在学证明书(或副本) ;及
  • His parent should produce to his prospective employer a valid school attendance certificate in respect of the child
  • To improve school attendance by indigenous children , a new program aims to make learning a more exciting experience
  • A " school attendance certificate " is a document issued by the school head , certifying that the child employee is attending at the school
  • Some economists became frustrated with their inability to answer specific policy questions , such as how to increase school attendance
    部份经济学家对于无法回答特定的政策问题(例如该如何提升学生的出席率) ,感到十分灰心。
  • Since 1990 , the gap between the school attendance rate in the areas inhabited by minority peoples and the average national level has been reduced from 3 . 7 percentage points to 0 . 7 percentage point
    1990年以来,民族聚居地区的入学率与全国平均水平的差距由3 . 7个百分点下降至0 . 7个百分点。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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